Wellness, Health & Exercise Science Faculty
Career Summary
I just recently completed 15 years of full-time teaching at MCC. I also taught part-time prior to becoming full-time faculty.
Before coming to MCC, I was a Health Educator for the Macomb County Health Department. I was the coordinator for PEP, Peer Education Program, in charge of the CPR Program for county employees, worked in various health screenings doing blood pressures, cholesterol, body fat and educational exits, was a premarital instructor and did various presentations (seat belt safety, sexually transmitted diseases, smoking cessation) in the grade schools and work places throughout Macomb County. I also worked in Environmental Health at the Macomb County Health Department doing inspections on restaurant, public day cares and public swimming pools.
Other responsibilities while at MCC
I wrote two Innovative Grants this past year. The first one I wrote was a health fair, “Fall into Fitness”. Macomb Community College students conducted a Health Fair. Students within the WHES courses conducted several body assessment tests such as: height and weight measurements, body fat testing, grip strength and demonstrated various exercises with and without the use of equipment, as well as demonstrated the Hemilich manuver. Students within the Medical Assisting Program conducted blood pressure testing. The students within the IT Program assisted in fitness applications by answering questions about the various programs and explained how to download them on the various technology apparatuses. The Veterinary Technician students demonstrated CPR on a dog and cat. The Macomb County Health Department’s Health Education staff provided the education and testing on blood sugar levels, as well as providing health information and information on programs available through the Health Department. It was a one day event.
The second grant was “Painting Physically”. Students enrolled in an advanced art class painted silhouettes of people engaging in physical activity, in addition to health/wellness related words on several of the various blank walls throughout the halls, in F-building, on Center Campus. The ultimate goal was to promote and motivate students to engage in physical activity, as well as increase their interest in art. In addition, it allows students to have a stake in the continuing development of Macomb Community College, by displaying their artistic ability on the foundation of the college campus. As a result, it has allowed students, staff, faculty and the community to view, admire and embrace the talents of our students for many years to come.